
The role of forest recovery from biotic and abiotic threats for risk resilient management

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  • FORECO live meeting in Lund
    The second live meeting of the FORECO project was held from 13th to 14th May in Lund, Sweden, organized by the project partners from the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science of Lund University. The first meeting day was held at Lund University. All the partners presented the progress in their respective work packages,Continue reading “FORECO live meeting in Lund”
  • Prediction of post-disturbance forest recovery in the Alps – new paper published!
    We investigated post-disturbance forest recovery in the Alps using satellite remote sensing from Landsat and Sentinel-2, covering the period from 1990 to 2021. and applying a state-of-the-art technique called temporally generalized synthetic spectral unmixing, which allows to disentangle the land cover types within each pixel, giving us accurate tree cover fractions.
  • Recovery and resilience of European temperate forests to large and severe disturbances – new article published!
    We investigated the resilience of European temperate forests to large and severe disturbances (i.e. creating contiguous patches larger than 1ha) using ground-based inventories of regeneration, in collaboration with several other European research groups. Furthermore, we leveraged on large bioclimatic and topographic datasets to assess the impact of environment and forest management on the recovery process.
  • A summary of FOREXCLIM project
    FOREXCLIM (Forests and extreme weather events: Solutions for risk resilient management in a changing climate) was the forerunner of FORECO project. The aim of the project was to develop risk-resilient management strategies that enable a provision of diverse ecosystem services despite the uncertainties related to climate change and timber market developments.
  • First FORECO live meeting
    The first live meeting of the FORECO project was held from 20th to 21th April in Slovenia, organized by the project partners from the Department of Forestry and Renewable Resources of Biotechnical Faculty.